Meet Marker, the fast-growing content marketplace with 190,000+ articles from over 40,000 real writers, all spanning a wide variety of marketing topics.
Marker is the antidotal gap between talented writers producing excellent copy but struggling to sell their work and businesses like yours searching for relevant, ready-to-use written content for your marketing (think social media, blog posts, newsletters, website, ads and more).
The average blog post now takes almost 4 hours to complete, and hourly rates for copywriters sit at an average of £22- factor in hours of briefing, edits, and feedback and the costs can creep up fast.
All of Marker’s articles are user-generated, quality-assured and instantly available, so no more waiting around- simply click, download and use in seconds.
Say a permanent goodbye to the blank-page syndrome, with tens of thousands of real writers creating endless content for you.
Whatever your content niche, you can be sure you’ll find the words you’re searching for on Marker.
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Click here to get started.