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07 Jun 2023

Webinar Takeaways - Data & AI

Webinar Takeaways - Data & AI

We were incredibly excited to be joined by three fantastic experts on the topic of Data and AI, this session was sponsored by Aptivio.

This event started with a session from Guy Mounier, Co-founder and CEO of Aptivio. His session covered Leveraging Predictive & Generative AI for Sales Pipeline Growth, starting with a poll:

📋 Please select all options that apply to your existing go-to-market

The results are available on the recording!

3 Key takeaways from Guy’s session (no, we’re not talking about your next food delivery):

✔️ Takeaway 1:

One of the most current major trends that started in the post-covid era is – Nearbound, which is the evolution of inbound and outbound, it is the concept of personalisation at scale, understanding where your next customer is going to come from using buying intent and leveraging some of these signals.

✔️ Takeaway 2:

How do you combine predictive and generative AI?

Guy runs us through a step-by-step on how to do this, highlighting the different options depending on how strategic you would like to go and how Chat GPT can assist you in the process.

An example of what Aptivio can offer you, how it can improve customer experience, and leveraging user information and behaviour to create personalised messaging is shown during this session.

✔️ Takeaway 3:

How do you measure the performance of a sales and marketing organisation? you focus on revenue outcomes from target to close:

1. If you say you have a buying intent solution, how many of the opportunities were found by the sales and marketing system?

2. How much of the top funnel activity can be automated in a way that doesn’t destroy the brand? Personalised and relevant messaging that gets people interested and down the funnel of activity – measure how your engagement journey is automated.

3. how do you credit from target to close, a campaign that generated awareness or generated buyer intent? Measure the contribution to revenue across the board, with every action having a different value. This is how you demonstrate the value of each user within the workflow.

Concluding poll:

📋 How is your company currently leveraging AI in the GTM, select 1 option:

The results are available in the recording! The recording can be found here


Next, we were joined by Niro Knox, Blade Marketing to talk about; Revolutionise Your Cold Reach: Data Mastery and Email Deliverability Uncovered.

Niro has a set of free tools for you to download, which are available at the end of the session. He covered a 5-step process on how to have a successful cold reach campaign.

3 Key takeaways from this are:

✔️ Takeaway 1:

What is the difference between “cold reach” and “email marketing”? Email marketing is, mostly, aimed at existing or previous customers, or those who have ended up on your mailing list for reasons like signing up to get more information or registering for an online or in-person event. This audience usually already knows you or is aware of your work.

Cold reaching is to a completely new audience.

✔️ Takeaway 2:

3 key distinctions for approaching cold reach customers:

  • You must let them know where you got their details from
  • Don’t send information that they haven’t asked for, let them know what you do but don’t go into too much detail like promotional material.
  • Start with a conversation, don’t sell, sell, sell!

Scraping/cleaning data is essential, if you are unable to do so yourself it is advisable to hire someone or a company who can do this for you. Keeping your data set clean ensures higher conversion, open and ROI.

✔️ Takeaway 3:

There were far more than 3 takeaways from the session, but the third and final takeaway we wanted to highlight was:

Infrastructure & deliverability

This is something that a lot of people are often oblivious to the solutions, if you are sending too many emails that bounce, this can affect your email integrity, leading to more of your emails hitting people’s junk inboxes and reducing open rates.

Understanding how your server works is important to understanding your infrastructure.

A QR code is available on the session to download the resources.

Access the full session here


Finally, we were joined by David Raab from CDP Institute looking at: Build a Solid Data Foundation Today for AI Tomorrow

David’s session looked at the issues the marketers face with their data, how these can be addressed and improved as well as some interesting facts to go with it! It brought a wealth of useful, bite-sized information to apply to your current marketing strategy.

3 Key takeaways from the session:

✔️ Takeaway 1:

80% of marketers are looking for ways to incorporate Generative AI into their long-term strategy

20% of marketers rate their marketing data as “high quality”

Data is the foundation of AI, if you don’t have good data, your AI will not work effectively.

AI needs good data to be successful, so the basic AI data requirements are:

  • Accurate
  • Complete
  • Unified
  • Accessible
  • Compliant

The advanced requirements are:

  • Training set preparation – Formatting, tagging
  • Results testing and validation – Prediction accuracy, new situation handling
  • Output integration – Connectors and formats
  • Real-time updates and response – Connectors and response time

✔️ Takeaway 2:

The typical current state of data in companies today are:

  • Fragmented – Data in separate systems and no unified identities
  • Inaccurate and incomplete – Suitable for the original purpose only
  • Inaccessible – Existing systems are not designed to share data and formats are not suitable for AI projects

✔️ Takeaway 3 (The solution):

What are the solutions to these problems?

  • Packaged CDP – All functions to build and share unified profiles and separate databases from existing systems
  • Extend existing systems – Use an existing data warehouse and build or buy other components
  • Choice depends on existing gaps and resources – Few gaps, many resources? Consider extending. Many gaps, few resources? Best to buy a package

This only touches on a couple of points raised during the session, to see the full 1-hour webinar click here

This session was followed by a Q&A with all three of our speakers, you can watch the full session here!

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