Eco Friendly Merchandise
The UK Merchandise sector is very aware of the challenges faced by marketers in meeting CSR objectives and reducing waste.
While some low cost, ill thought campaigns may generate single use plastic waste, there are many case studies and examples where the use of Merchandise has actually promoted behavioural change and reduced the time it takes to get better products in the hands of the public.
Consider Plastic carrier bags, it was Corpoarte Marketers who switched their Printed Promotional Bags to alternative material totes , or Bags 4 Life, and gave consumers an alternative product to take to the shops to reduce plastic bag usage.
Consider single use coffee shop take-away cups, it was the Corporate Marketer who started buying the Printed Promotional Americano and other repeat use take-away coffee cups that significantly sped up the awareness and adoption of such product by consumers and reduced single use cups heading to landfill.
Consider the 'Chilli' style thermal stainless steel bottle, again through Corporate Marketers recognising the shift in consumer behaviour the sector supported millions of bottles being distributed and subsequently a significant drop in single use bottles being bought and sent to landfill.
Please come us on Stand J70 - meet some of the team to discuss eco friendly solutions, new product materials and UK Made product that presents siginificant benefits to the eco conscious buyer.