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Exclaimer Signature Marketing Cloud

  • Exclaimer Signature Marketing Cloud
  • Exclaimer Signature Marketing Cloud
Exclaimer Signature Marketing Cloud Exclaimer Signature Marketing Cloud

Exclaimer Signature Marketing Cloud not only offers simplified control of email signatures. It empowers you to use them as a new personalized marketing channel to engage and excite your audiences.
Transform the process of email signature management. Build professional email signatures that showcase your brand. Automatically deploy them to all users at the push of a button.
Promote marketing messaging, share important news, establish a more significant social media following, collect meaningful feedback, and encourage further interaction with your brand, all using the humble email signature.
Target email signatures at specific audiences with personalized content.  Repeatedly expose them to relevant messaging depending on where they are in the buying process. Track the effectiveness of your email signature marketing with built-in reporting dashboards.

