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B2B Marketing measurement for the privacy first era

29 Nov 2023
Digital Marketing & Social Media Theatre
Strategy & Planning , Data & Analytics

With the seemingly never ending imminent demise of cookies, current technological barriers and rising consumer privacy - measurement is becoming more complex than ever.

Indeed, cross platform measurement is consistently cited as the number 1 challenge by marketers. And, with ad spend declining due to macroeconomic pressures there will be increased scrutiny on proving ROI.

This session will get you up to speed on how to measure online and offline channels in a cookieless world, while also accounting for all other factors that impact your brand such as the weather, the cost of living crisis and your organic activity.

Finally, we will explain why it’s important to avoid short-termism, and why it can be tempting to assign more budget to the platforms easiest to quantify a direct return.

Key takeaways of the session:

  1. An understanding of the current challenges around measurement and attribution
  2. Improved understanding of the limitations of digital attribution
  3. A framework for triangulating ROI using alternative measurement practices
  4. Practical tips on how to prepare your business for the privacy-first era
  5. Theory to help re-educate C-suite on the limitations of digital attribution
Ben Wood, Director of Growth and Innovation - Hallam


The Marketing Leaders Summit

05.09.2024 | Waldorf Hilton Hotel, London