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How to generate more leads by integrating your SEO and Paid Media activity effectively

29 Nov 2023
Demand Generation, Data, AI & Analytics Theatre
Strategy & Planning , Digital Marketing

This talk will provide practical tips on better-integrating your global SEO and Paid Media activities in order to minimise visibility fluctuations, improve impact and ensure a joined-up approach to digital lead acquisition efforts.

From how to execute an integrated keyword research through to optimising landing pages and building an omnichannel search strategy, we’ll share the key tactics which are working for our B2B clients now to maximise performance and minimise waste.

Key Takeaways:
• How to develop an effective multichannel marketing strategy across both organic and paid
• How to set the right KPIs and Objectives
• How to plan an integrated keyword research strategy
• How to share data from SEO and Paid Media activity to improve cross-channel performance
• How to set-up integrated reporting to measure success

Dave Cousin, Head of Organic - Oban International
Chloë McKenna, Director - Oban International


The Marketing Leaders Summit

05.09.2024 | Waldorf Hilton Hotel, London