Potential Made Possible: The Sales Renaissance Meets the AI Revolution
30 Nov 2023
Demand Generation, Data, AI & Analytics Theatre
In the past 12 months, the common question among professional workers shifted from "What does AI mean?" to "what does AI mean to me?" One assumptive answer is replacement. Our CEO has believed an alternative view - that AI gives humans back the space for authentic, meaningful activities they've been craving. Beginning with the training of our patent-pending Sailebot model 5 years ago, our company began exploring the multiplication of human labor with Digital Labor in sales role. What we found was a solution to the age old "I wish there were two of me" problem.
Key Takeaways:
- Pandemic hobbies were a preview that humans want more from life than the grind; the replacement of menial tasks is just the beginning.
- AI is an ally in getting space back for more meaningful activities and a pedestal for creating authentic differentiation among common workers.
- The fear of AI replacing humans is a distraction. Humans will finally be able to control how they spend their time when AI is working on their behalf.