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Unlocking the Power of Strategic Marketing: Data, AI and the Ultimate Framework

29 Nov 2023
Demand Generation, Data, AI & Analytics Theatre
Strategy & Planning , Trends & Big Ideas

Picture the incredible potential of your marketing efforts, whether you're an individual marketer or part of a marketing team, armed with the knowledge, tools, and confidence to craft a high-level marketing strategy from the ground up, to drive significant impact in your organisation.

In this fast-paced session, we’ll:

Address Universal Challenges: Together, we will explore the enduring obstacles that marketers encounter in their daily routines and, more importantly, talk effective strategies to overcome them.

The Strength of Strategy: Dive into the profound influence that a well-crafted strategy can have on your marketing efforts. We'll equip you with a proven framework that doesn't just promise results but consistently delivers them.

Data-Driven Excellence: Learn how to leverage the wealth of data and insights available to you to accurately measure success. Discover how data empowers you to make informed decisions that will take your marketing effectiveness to new heights.

The Advantages of AI: Demystify the role of AI in your marketing efforts (will it, won't it steal our jobs?!). Explore how AI can enhance and amplify your capabilities, making your marketing strategies even more powerful.

As an added bonus, we'll provide you with all of the tools, templates, and expert guidance you’ll need, ensuring you're well-prepared to kickstart your strategic journey right after this session.

Lisa Eaton, Founder and CEO - Fabric Academy


The Marketing Leaders Summit

05.09.2024 | Waldorf Hilton Hotel, London